Thursday, October 4, 2012

Transferring Knowledge

As a non-classroom teacher, one of my job duties is to monitor students before school starts. Since some of these students have to sit in the hallway for quite a while, I usually bring a book or two to keep them occupied. This morning, one of my small group students asked me if she could read the book. The book was, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss. As I listened to her sitting on the floor trying to read, my first thought was, "Wow - she's really struggling with that text." My second thought was, "But she's not giving up!" Her perseverance was something I had not seen in the past. And then, the magic happened. She stood up next to me and pointed to a word in the book. She said, "Look, Mrs. Clausen, there's the word that we learned yesterday in class." I asked her what the word was and she read, "all." Now that may not seem like a huge word, but for this student, it was like a door had opened. One of my major concerns about my project was, would students be able to transfer what we were doing in class to other settings. This was my first bit of "proof" that what I am doing is having a positive effect.

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