When I look back on the last few weeks I think the
biggest challenge of this project was managing behaviors. I initially designed
this project with a specific type of student in mind. These were students who:
Ø struggled
with reading
Ø did
not make adequate progress with other interventions
Ø enjoyed
music and singing
Ø had
a difficult time sitting still
Given all of these factors, I thought using music
Ø be
Ø provide
students with an outlet to move around
Ø increase
reading fluency
Ø expose
students to new vocabulary
Although these things did happen, what I did not
expect was that the program could also be over stimulating which required a lot of redirection on my part. The
most difficult part was getting the whole group to focus on learning at the
same time. Eventually, I changed directions and became more individualized and
occasionally split the group into two. This seemed to help them maintain focus
and reduced some of the personality conflicts that were happening in the
The other part of my research was using music to
help calm students and reduce aggressive behavior. During independent work, I
would put on classical music and I noticed there was usually a reduction in the
frenetic level of the room. One of my biggest challenges with implementing this
strategy, however, was that I only had one CD player and it was frequently used
as part of the listening center. It was also located clear across the room
(plugged into my one and only outlet) which made it difficult for me to turn
the music on without leaving the small group. My original hope was to have an
Ipad or some other form of technology that I could have at the small group
table where I could play music to help keep students focused. Unfortunately,
funding was not in my favor. Maybe next time!
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