Monday, September 3, 2012

Week Two - Reflection

This week my focus was on observing my chosen students in their regular classroom. My purpose was to look for behaviors that would indicate that these students would be a good match for my action research project. Because my project incorporates music and movement, I felt that students who had a natural tendancy to move around would be good candidates. It appears that at least five of these students are having difficulty sitting still, especially during whole group instruction.

I also noticed a prevailing theme in that many of these students are having difficulty getting themselves started on independent work. Some of my first thoughts are that the work is too difficult for them and/or it is unmotivating.

Next week, my primary goal is to join classroom teachers while they administer running records. As we both listen to the targeted students read, we will be able to compare our data and discuss possible reasons behind the observed reading behaviors. Additionally, I will be seeing the targeted students one at a time to administer the music interest survey (see attachment from previous post). My goal for this is to determine if these targeted students already share an enjoyment of music.

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