Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Getting Started

Well, I knew this action research project would be messy, but I feel like I am up to my elbows in mud! My finely detailed plan already needs to be tweaked somewhat since a couple of my targeted students  no longer qualify for intervention services (a good problem to have). Of course, I will have no shortage of customers to take their places. I will, however, have to spend a little more time up front getting to know the newer students. On top of that, our school is adopting a new benchmark process, so I can add training on benchmark administration to my "to do" list. On the positive side, I believe the new system, which was developed by Fountas & Pinnell, will provide better information about my students' specific reading needs.

I am anxious to get started with my group. After completing the benchmark assessments and analyzing the data, I will begin my research with a music attitude survey. Look for the survey to be posted here soon.

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