Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Getting Started

Well, I knew this action research project would be messy, but I feel like I am up to my elbows in mud! My finely detailed plan already needs to be tweaked somewhat since a couple of my targeted students  no longer qualify for intervention services (a good problem to have). Of course, I will have no shortage of customers to take their places. I will, however, have to spend a little more time up front getting to know the newer students. On top of that, our school is adopting a new benchmark process, so I can add training on benchmark administration to my "to do" list. On the positive side, I believe the new system, which was developed by Fountas & Pinnell, will provide better information about my students' specific reading needs.

I am anxious to get started with my group. After completing the benchmark assessments and analyzing the data, I will begin my research with a music attitude survey. Look for the survey to be posted here soon.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Action Research Proposal

The title of my action research is:
Can't Get That Song Outta My Head: How Will Integrating Music with Reading Instruction Affect Students' Decoding Skills?

My purpose is to help 2nd grade students who are in Tier 3 reading intervention and have not responded to a scripted intervention program. I am integrating music to help increase phonological awareness along with motivation. I will be teaching six 2nd grade students in a pull-out setting. All of these students have participated in at least 15 weeks of prior interventions with little progress; however, they are not yet in the evaluation process for special education.

My approximate timeline:
  • Week of September 4th - Complete benchmark assessments. Observe students in regular classroom. Obtain consent forms.
  • Week of September 10th - Begin meeting with small group. Teach routines, administer music interest survey and pre-test (Orton-Gillingham assessment). Analyze all quantitative data. Begin implementation of intervention.
  • Week of September 17th - Begin collection of qualitative data in the form of observations/fieldnotes. Record and analyze quantitative data in the form of weekly formative assessments (the exact type of assessment has yet to be deteremined and will be based on individual student needs). Continue this process through October October 26th, evaluating, reflecting and adjusting as assessment indicates.
  • Week of October 29th - Administer post-test (same as pre-test). Administer benchmark assessment. Analyze data.
  • Week of November 5th - Comple all information and complete journal article.